The MonthPicker is a FieldFrame field type that allows you to select a month and year, and fills in the rest (day and time) automatically. It is based on ycTIN’s monthpicker jQuery class, and therefore requires jQuery for the CP.
Features include:
- Stored in the DB as a unix timestamp (handy for search)
- The automatically appended day & time can be configured (default is “YY-MM-01 12:01 AM”)
- Each custom field can be configured to be copied to the entry date, expiration date, both, or neither (default is neither)
- If copying values to the entry and/or expiration dates, the Date tab does not have to be displayed for this to work.
- Can have multiple monthpicker fields on same page
- Compatible with FF Matrix
- Select “MonthPicker” from the dropdown of available field types.
- Select if you’d like the monthpicker to copy it’s values to the entry date, expiration date, both or neither
- Set the default day and time to be used when completing the date, for storage in db
Template Usage:
The template tag can accept a parameter “format”, and it uses PHP’s date() function to process. Example:
{monthpicker_custom_field format="M Y"}
The above might ouput “Dec 2009”. This the default format if none is passed.
To keep visual balance (see screenshots), there are always 12 years available to choose from. These are shown based on the following criteria: starting at the current year or the selected year, it shows the previous 8 years, plus the 3 subsequent. Example: if the current or selected year is 2009, the interface displays 2001 – 2012.
This approach of choosing which years to show is straight out of the ycTIN jQuery monthpicker class. It’s less than perfect, but will do for now.
This is the first extension I’m putting out into the ether. I hope some find it useful. Any problems or suggestions, you know what to do.
Hugs to the EE community!
- Version 1.1.2 (download), released December 14, 2009
- initial release